Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Week 13 - Blog #12

I really liked this week's assignment and readings on management. I like to organize things and learn new software programs so this week really had it all! I can see the action plan forming and it is all kind of starting to come together for me (hope I feel that way next week when I finish my action plan!) I am looking forward to implementing this strategic plan next semester as part of my graduate assistantship with the Career Development Center and have had some very good feedback from my boss about the project. She is very excited that I am able to combine work and school in a way that is beneficial to us both!

1 comment:

Cheryl Murphy said...

Yahoo! I am glad to hear that it is finally beginning to come together for you. The rest of the semester will continue to come together as you use the pieces you created throughout the semester to create your final report. I am also glad that you enjoyed this lesson on management. I like to play with the software too. :)