Sunday, November 16, 2008

Week 12 - Blog #11

I don't know if anyone else in class experienced this or not, but I had a major panic with this week's lesson. I have gotten so used to having readings that lead directly into the homework (that give the answers) that I was actually lost for a bit on this one. I finally decided to look at weeks 6 and 7 and use the evaluation and analysis techniques we learned there. I hope that was the right thing to do because the given reading didn't mention any evaluation methods and what I pulled up from the internet on that topic didn't either. SO....if I'm right, yeah for me for transferring knowledge and if not, oops...

1 comment:

Cheryl Murphy said...

Yay for you, you did the right thing. Yes, previous lessons did lead directly to the homework and this one required a bit of a stretch. However, it related to the learning of previous lessons so you were correct in consulting previous lessons. :)