Friday, October 10, 2008

Week 7 - Blog #6

I feel like I have a better understanding of the Analysis phase after the readings for this week. I really like the SWOT analysis, but my project doesn't really lend itself to the use of that one. It was good to read about how to set up an individual interview as well as focus groups and how to get the information you need from them. I did have a little trouble with the survey tool since I only want to know one thing, so I turned it into a marketing tool as well. My Vision meeting went well, though it was very brief. This is a very busy time of year for the Career Development Center. Everyone is on board with the project and excited to see it moving forward.

1 comment:

Cheryl Murphy said...


I am glad you enjoyed learning more about the tools available. We will continue to explore a variety of tools including more on the interview process and survey creation.

I am also glad to hear that your vision meeting went well and everyone is on board. That is very important. :)