Sunday, August 31, 2008

Week 1 Blog

What a first week! I finished my masters in 2003 and even though I have taken a few classes here and there, nothing could have prepared me for jumping back in as a full time student! Just trying to keep all the assignments and deadlines straight is a bit overwhelming! What was I thinking signing up for 4 classes to start with! Well, like any new experience, I guess it's best to just jump right in and do your best! I have such a lot of very interesting clesses. This Strategic Planning class seems like it will be a fun and very practical class. It will really give me some marketable skills, which as we all know are desparately needed to land and keep a good job. Everyone wants their business to flourish and to have someone on staff who knows how to successfully strategicly plan will be a definite plus! I am looking forward to learning a lot this semester.

1 comment:

Cheryl Murphy said...

I am looking forward to having you in class. Four courses is TOUGH, but you seem to have a "plan" for making it through the semester. :)

Dr Murphy

ps...Your little man is ADORABLE!